Friday, August 2, 2013

Vacationing with kids

The countdown to vacation is on. 

And preparing to leave with three active girls is proving a TAD more difficult than when they were just toddlers.  Everything I lay out gets scrutinized..."why do we need to pack those pajamas?"   Or there are the helpful suggestions of other things that should be included in the packing.  Even more nerve-wracking is the minute you think you have something packed into a tote, crossed off the list and staged ready to be put in the turn around.....and it's missing half the items.  Really?!?

Sad to say, it might have been easier when the girls were small and I had to add 3 pack 'n plays, 3 booster seats, 3 strollers (or a triple stroller), diapers & wipes for 3, etc......  Now, every Buddy, Pillow Pet, Dream Lite, favorite stuffed animal, second favorite stuffed animal, game, book, movie....must be included.

Yesterday I let the girls help chose their outfits to be packed.  Poor Teagan didn't quit understand why it wasn't necessary to bring her Steelers jersey, red fleece Santa sweatshirt, rain boots and Stompeez.   I am the queen of over-packing, but that might have even surpassed me.  She only agreed to removed the items from her pile when I assured her it was better to leave a little extra space in the suitcase in case she wanted to buy something new while we were away. 

Time is running out, the girls excitement grows by the minute.  Only one more day left until the big circled VACATION DAY on the calendar arrives.  For every time I roll my eyes at what they come up with next....I just think to myself, just wait til they are all three teenagers!

In just a couple of days the sand will be beneath my toes, the salty sea air blowing in my face, the shrieks of the girls as they chase the waves and time spent with family will be all that matters.

(Until it's time to pack to come home.)