Friday, November 30, 2012

30 days of thanks

At the beginning of the month I started writing down each day what I had in my life that I considered a blessing.

My 30 days of thanks:

1.  Three freshly bathed girls, dressed in new PJ's snuggling in my bed.

2.  Wearing sunglasses to drive the girls to school for the first time in a week.  Welcome back sunshine!  As the girls put it "what a beautiful, sunny day!"
3.  The new book the girls picked off the shelf today to read before naps & bedtimes was "My First Bible".
4.  Mushy bananas (ick)...and for the 2 wonderfully delicious loaves of banana nut bread that are baking in the oven.  Perfect for a fall day.
5.  Grandparents.  The wonderful people that helped shaped my life growing up and are at the foundation of so many of my childhood memories.  And the "grandpas, grannies, paps, grammies, grandmas, papas and gram grams" that are so important in the the lives of my children. 
6.  For the ability, right, privilege and honor to vote. 
7.  For Wednesdays....for the 5 (short) hours when the sitter comes and I can run errands, do office work, get a haircut or just THINK in peace!
8.  For the sunset views fro my back deck.  "Cotton candy sky" as the girls say.  One of God's masterpieces!
9.  The opportunity to attend a special Mass at the girls' school with them in honor of Veteran's Day.
10.  Time spent with family.
11.  A great church family, a warm day and a little spontaneity!

12.  Fall that has given us so many blessings as a family. 
13.  That my girls think outside of the box and for lunch on this chilly fall day we had hot dogs, corn on the cob, watermelon, cantaloupe, strawberries and pineapple.

14.  For great friends that make the world a better place.
15.  Thankful for my wonderful siblings and all of the crazy fun and love they bring to our family!!
16.  FRIDAY!!  Hello weekend!
17.  Sauerkraut!!!  Lots and lots and LOTS of freshly canned, homemade sauerkraut....YUM!
18.  Thankful that my girls are great travelers!
19.  For a fun, relaxing hour with my husband getting a pedicure.
20.  Surprises!  That Aaron made it in to North Carolina to celebrate Thanksgiving with the family and a fun time had by all at Pullen Park.

21.  For the times I get to watch my children drift off to sleep
22.  For the opportunity to share a meal with my wonderful husband, beautiful children, extended family and give thanks and praise to God for all of our blessings.
23.  Thankful we decided to extended our vacation an extra day and were able to spend more time with family.
24.  For a safe trip home.
25.  For all of the Christmas decorations piled high in the garage....time to get ready for my favorite time of the year.
26.  Thankful for the warm weather today and the chance to get the final fall clean-up and outdoor decorations done (and not having to freeze my tail off to do them!!!!)
27.  To starting a new tradition:  writing letters to Santa!  We are taking Santa Train this weekend and get to meet Santa and give him our letters. Sooooo excited!
28.  For being able to knock out a good deal of the remainder of my holiday shopping list.
29.  For the 5 boxes of Girl Scout cookies we remembered were in the freezer....BRING ON THE THIN MINTS!
30.  For yesterday.  For today.  For all the tomorrows ahead.  For all of you dear to our hearts that give us something to be thankful for every day.  For the start of Advent (my favorite part of the Christian year) and the celebration of the birth of our King.  For the feeling of excitement growing in anticipation of the look on my kids' faces this Christmas and hearing their laughter and shrieks on Christmas morning.  For the good times that make us laugh and the hard times that make us stronger.  I am thankful for it all.  For that's what it's all about anyway!


Monday, November 12, 2012

Things kids say

So, throughout our days, my girls come up with some real doozies!  They are never short of topics to discuss, questions to pose or comments to proudly professed.  They are picking up on intonation of voices around them and certain slang is starting to come through in their conversations as well.  Today they were full of it!

Just a sampling of what I was treated to tonight en route to gymnastics:

Riley:  Mom, how old are you?
Me:  35
Riley:  And what comes next, 36?
Me:  Yes
Maya:  And what is next?  37 and 38 and 39?
Me:  Yes
Riley:  And what comes after 40, when you are old?!?
Me:  Gee, thanks!
Maya:  After 40 comes 100 when you can really cute loose and party! 

While making dinner the girls were playing with their Little People and Maya couldn't find one of her dolls. 
Me:  Maya, what is wrong?
Maya:  I can't find the mommy doll.
Me:  Is it in the toy room?
Maya:  Yes, Riley is looking for it.  She's a good toy finder.  Almost like you
Me:  That's nice.
Riley (as she climbed the stairs):  I found the daddy doll
Me:  Where is the mommy doll?
Maya (in total disgust):  Probably on a toy-mommy vacation
Teagan:  WHAT FOR??!?

And then they topped themselves during dinner as I was making up a little song to try and get them to eat:
Maya:  Boy mom, you are a good singer
Me:  Thanks buddy.
Riley:  And you are a really, I mean REALLY, great drinker

What kids say is one thing, what we hear them say is another.  They are becoming little people with a sense of humor.  While maybe not flattered by all they had to say tonight at my expense, I am amused by the logic they put together and how they express themselves.  I guess after they go to bed I'll take my old, partying, drinking self to the couch and have a mommy vacation. 

Friday, November 2, 2012

Thanks and giving

Tis the season for Thanksgiving.  Sure, I mean the turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes, yummy veggies and delicious baked goods.  A table finely set with good china, linens and candles.  A warm room filled with family and loved ones.  And this year, as in years past, I know we'll sit around such a table with such a feast spread before us and one-by-one we'll give thanks.

We seem to have no shortage of things to be thankful for.  I know friends that take the month of November and try to list something everyday that they are thankful for.  I know people that have a thanks and praise journal of sorts and every day they write what they are thankful for to keep as a reminder.  I am using November for just a purpose myself, taking the time to write it down each day so that I can see it right in front of me.  It also will be a good lesson that when days are long and challenging, there should always be at least one thing we can find to give thanks. 

I am trying to look at this in a broader sense this year, of both thanks AND giving.  So in addition to thinking of what I am thankful for this season, I am also getting the girls involved in giving.  Giving back, giving where we can, just giving!  Yesterday I donated the $0.44 in change I got back at the store to the literacy campaign the store was sponsoring.  Today the girls and I each took in a canned food item to their school for the food drive.  We are working on tomorrow's project already to color and draw pictures to mail to a dear friend recovering from knee surgery (if you read this now, just act surprised when you get it!).  I am hoping by getting the girls involved in my plans, we'll be able to talk about the things we are blessed with and how we can use our blessings to help others.

I also challenge you to be in the giving spirit as well.   I don't believe it has to take tremendous amounts of money or time to accomplish this, sometimes just a simple act of smiling at someone in the store and stopping to say 'hello' may mean the world to that person on that particular day.  Take a meal to a shut in.  Help an elderly neighbor rake leaves or clean out their gutters.  Donate a food item to a food drive.  Buy a toy for a "Toys for Tots" program.  Send homemade cards to a military person serving our country.  Volunteer at a soup kitchen.  However you are moved to give, please do it.  Get others involved as well be it in your family, church, or neighborhood. 

I hope I can find the time to be able to give for all 30 days of November as well as writing down my points of thanks.  If not, I know at the end I'll be so thankful for the days I was able to do just that little extra for someone else.  I'll know that I've worked to show my girls how important it is and to be thankful that we have so much to give.