Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Well, it seems like Maya & Riley have been getting a lot of air-time lately what with their birthday and starting school and all.  And rightly so, these are big events.   As usual, there is Teagan....bringing up the rear and trying desperately to be one of the big girls.  I love spending time with all of my girls, and when I can I try to make special individual time with each of them, doing what they like to do.  So these past three and a half weeks I've had the chance to have Teagan all to myself for a few hours 3 days a week.  WHAT A SCREAM!!  I always new she was funny, but this kid is HYSTERICAL when it's one-on-one. 

So, what have we been doing?!  We'll we love to shop together...and she's amazed when she gets the cart all to herself and I let her carry shopping bags through the store and she gets to pick from the  Target dollar bins.  (yea!)  She sticks to me like glue for about the first 20 minutes we are home after dropping Maya & Riley off, but then you almost see the light click and she's like hey, wait a minute......all of MINE.......for the next 2 WHOLE hours. 

We've enjoyed taking walks which is good for fresh air & gets Mommy's work out in.
We take a Mommy & Me gymnastics class on Thursday and she's becoming quite the expert on the balance beam. 

And the latest in our big girl adventures came just last night/today.....when Teagan decided she didn't need a crib, that climbing out is WAY more fun.  In the course of an hour last night, she climbed out of her crib twice.  She likes "buddies" in bed with her (at count last week she had 21, so over the weekend about 10 left).  But I could tell last night she had used the remaining pile as her escape route.  So I took all but four of her favorites and put them on the floor by her bed.  At 10 I checked on her and she was still awake and asking for her buddies, but I said they were having a sleep-over on the floor.  Not another word.  When I went back in at 11, ALL buddies were back in the crib....and so was Teagan.  Geez, give me a heart attack!  I can't be worrying about her safety, so today I converted the crib to the toddler bed.  And a "BIG GIRL" was born. 


I am learning so much more about Teagan as a person and what makes her so wonderful and so unique. I always knew she was bright (learning from her big sisters) but I am amazed at what she knows and what she comes up with...and what she tries to get away with!!  We have been doing a lot of special, fun things and I am sure this will be the age of some of her earliest memories. I hope our days together are some of those earliest memories. 

Thursday, September 20, 2012


My girls are obsessed with the movie "The Lorax" of late.  I think in about a 48 hr time frame they viewed it 8 times.  Thank goodness Aunt Carolann to the rescue and got it for Maya & Riley for their birthday!  My favorite line of the movie:

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing's going to get better.  It's not."

I am thinking about all the people in this world that care.  That care an awful lot!  I am talking about the people that do amazing things every day for the good of everyone around them.  Doctors and nurses, fire and police, teachers, coaches, clergy....and even down to those of us that volunteer our time and talents, that spend time with the less fortunate, those in pain....or just those ordinary people that do extraordinary things each and every day.  I think in the history of the world, to be someone that cares an awful lot, you are a member of the military.  To give of your time, your freedom, your life for the selfless sacrifice of put your life on the line every me that is someone that MORE than cares. 

Today marks a very sad, hard, extraordinary day.  A day to remember and honor one of the most caring people I have every had the pleasure of knowing.  Three years have passed since our friend Damon gave his life to protect the very freedom we sometimes take for granted.  Growing up with the Winkleman family as neighbors, members of our church and our "family" we were blessed to be in the company of such caring people.  You never had to worry about someone being on your side, they always were.  You were always welcome in their home.  They were always one of the first to answer a call for help.  I remember countless times playing with Jason, Nathan and Damon at their house.  We'd go over their grandma's house who lived next door for warm-from-the-oven oatmeal cookies.  MAN, I love those cookies....I still use her recipe to this day.  You always knew where you stood with their family.  You always knew the sense of pride from being a military family.  So it's not surprising that all of the boys followed in their family footsteps and joined the military.  I remember numerous times growing up of the community support when Wink would be deployed.....and then Jason....and Nate off for his service....and then Damon.  Special church services were held.  The community would come together to offer support and help to Pat and the boys.  We were a community of caring people because of the care their family always gave.  It was time to give back.

Three years ago today we were at the Winkleman house for a celebration.  A beautiful, sunny afternoon with kids playing in the yard, good food and great company.  And how all of that can change in an instant.  I remember in vivid detail learning about Damon.  And in that moment knowing that life would forever be changed for their family so many people that care for their family.  Damon was such a caring person.  Funny, energetic...infectious laughter and comic relief!  It just didn't seem possible that he could be gone. 

Nothing seemed to make sense.   And certainly nothing seemed better for any of us.  But after some time, you realize his sacrifice does make it better for us.  And for the countless men and women that have made that same sacrifice, it is better for us.  And those that continue to serve because they care it is better.  For us. 

Damon lead the life he was destined to live.  What a good soul.  A truly caring person that made all of our lives better.  So today, in honor of Damon and in respect and appreciation of the entire Winkleman family and all of the other people in this world that care, thank you from the bottom of our hearts for making our lives better.

Because you cared, Damon......


Thursday, September 13, 2012


Believe it or not, I've done some Christmas shopping this week.  YES PEOPLE, Christmas is coming and even though we aren't even to Halloween or Thanksgiving this gal has got to get crackin'.  With 4 kids, a husband, 6 parents, 4 nieces, 1 nephew, 2 grandparents, 3 teachers and a whole host of other extras, it takes some time to plan, browse, shop, etc.  So now is about the time of year I make a spreadsheet of who I need to buy for, how much to spend, gift ideas and I check it all off as I go.  Yup, another list.   Gifts are on the brain for the next 3 months...

This week, in particular, I was reminded of the gifts that are all around us every day.  I am very fortunate to be studying Beth Moore's Bible series on James this fall.  I am surprised at how this study is hitting me at a time when I really need it and it seems she is speaking just to me.  (Those of you that have studied with Beth I am sure feel the same way!). 

The first part of the week we began in the very beginning of James' letter..."Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.  Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything."  (James 1: 2-4).   Beth challenged us to list trials we are under, hardships that we are facing.  I thought for a minute, tried to come up with something that was a "trial" for me....and then my mind started to wander to a few family members, a friend and a member of the church that are all experiencing real trials right now be it of health, personal crisis or sorrow.  How they all see to be so composed, so complete.  I had to think "hey, maybe I don't have it so bad"....and then you realize they can be so amazing in the face of something so great, how can a person not pick themselves up by the boot straps and keep it together.  There are people I know that just get bogged down by what seems to be so trivial, but I forget I don't know the whole story. 

By day five of the study we read James 1: 17 "Every generous act and every perfect gift is from above..."   We were asked to list the gifts of our lives.  Maybe not so surprisingly, that list was much easier to make than the list of trials.  Not one gift on my list (other than buying our home) was of material worth.  It was more about the relationships, the memories, the lessons learned.  The times when I was faced with a deeper trial, and the ability to find something within myself to work through it and grow as a person and in my faith. 

We have gifts all around us, every day.  Maybe we don't know it.  Maybe we forget.  Maybe we get lost among everyday life.  Our relationships, talents, time, freedom & liberties, our ability to take time out and dive deeper into our faith without fear of religious persecution....all gifts.  All great gifts. 

Irregardless of what is wrapped and under the tree this Christmas season, I hope that the gifts that matter most to our kids, family and friends are the gifts we give because of who we are. The loving memories we create for our children out of the traditions we celebrate, the ability to be there in times of crisis and pain for our family and friends, the fact that we know those same people would be there for us in a heartbeat.  I am so grateful for all the gifts in my life.  

If you don't realize how blessed by gifts YOU are, I hope you will take the time to list all of your gifts as well. 

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The passing of time

Time is a funny thing.  Even though it may remain constant, how we pass the time or spend our time varies.  It's odd how the same hour can either fly by when you are having fun, or seem to drag on indefinitely in the middle of uncertainty. 

I have absolutely no idea where the last four years have gone.  September 4, 2008 at 7:49 am and 7:49 am (yes, the SAME time), we welcomed Maya & Riley into this world and into our lives.  The past four years have been a crazy whirlwind of joy and, at times, insanity.  The girls have brought so much love into our family. 

So, imagine my surprise when today, at 8:49 am I had to take my little girls to school for the very first time.  Yes, on their 4th birthday they got to go to Pre-K.  How did that happen?  Where did my tiny little babies go.  How did they grow up so fast?


Maya Delaney: 9/4/08
        Maya:  1st day of Pre-K, 9/4/12

Riley Pilar: 9/4/08


Riley: 1st day of Pre-K, 9/4/12
The girls did well.  No tears....from anyone, even Mommy!  (Although when I asked the girls last night what they wanted to be when they grew up and Maya said "Just stay little" and Riley said "Be your little baby, Mommy", it kinda does tug at your heart strings a little.  They may have been a little unsure when we were getting ready, but at the mention it was time to go they were out the door and into the truck.  Backpacks on when we arrived and in they marched.  Hardly a look in our direction once they hung up their backpacks, got their milk and started coloring.  Hey, they had this down pat. 

Once back at home I couldn't help but think back to 2008 when I laid in my hospital room waiting on the girls to be brought into me.  I could not even have imagined at that moment in time just how much they would consume every part of my life.  In a good way, I promise!!!!!  I just couldn't believe how time had flown!  On the flipside, that 2 1/2 hrs I had to wait at home til I could go pick them up seemed to drag on forever.  Just wondering what they were doing, how they were doing....and I couldn't wait to see them and hear all about it.

I am sure the next 14 years will fly by and before I know it I'll be taking them off to college.  (Ahhhh......let's not get ahead of myself).  I am so proud of my big girls and all they are and all they will become!  Here we go.....marching into the future! 

Happy Birthday Maya & Riley