Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Navigating the school years

Every morning when the girls wake up the question is the same.  "What day is it today?"  If my response is Tuesday, Thursday or Friday, the answer is met with cheers and "yea, school today!!!"  I love that Maya and Riley are so into school.  They are excited when we get dressed, grab our coats and backpacks and head out the door.  They practically jump out of the truck and literally run up the stairs all the way to their class room.  They have brought home countless projects, have begun writing their names and other words.  They have already had their first after-school play date at the park with a new friend and been invited to their first birthday party.  I am happy to report, that in nearly six weeks we've not had any incidents at school.  Or have we? 

Most of the insecurities about the school year seem to me coming from me.  The first 2 weeks of school their teacher had made several comments/observations about the twins lagging behind in terms of following some specific instructions for their daily "centers", being very quiet and introverted in the classroom,  talking about how much they've had to work with them on some things and even questioned Riley's hearing.  (Trust me, she can hear just fine....sometimes she doesn't listen so well).  I find that the older I get the more receptive I have become to constructive criticism of myself.....but I am finding it a little harder to take when it comes to my girls.  I reminded her that they are literally the youngest in their class, they are first-timers to school and that I wanted them to take the opportunity to learn to do it for themselves.  I have volunteered to come in and observe them if need be, but I want them to develop a foundation for school on their own with the guidance of their teachers and the bonds of their new friends.  (I have come to the realization that I think she has very high expectations for all of her students, which can be a good thing.) 

They obviously love the atmosphere and spend hours talking about their day and their friends. They "play school" on the days we are home, pretend to be different kids from their class and have offered to practice writing their letters.  I get a daily run-down of who-wore-what, who played together and who was the weather person, flag holder, duck leader, etc.  Last Friday their "play" turned to the comment that Ashlynn had taken Riley's glue from her pencil box, Riley had to borrow Jason's, Ashlynn didn't give it back and now Riley had no glue.  Well, trying to get to the bottom of this I found the story more turned around....and wasn't really sure if it was Riley's glue that had come up missing or Eleni's.... or if any glue was even missing.  Somewhere Brianna got involved and then Ava.....oh, "what a mess" as one of them said.  I was telling a friend about their story and she suggested I call their teacher.  Huh?!?!  Over glue?  I was more interested if it was a very imaginative role-play scenario or if there was really a glue-thief among the morning pre-K at the Catholic school.  Was she serious I call the teacher?  On a weekend?  Should I have been more concerned about the $0.50 bottle of glue?  Here I had spent days contemplating whether I should perhaps taking Riley to an Ear, Nose, Throat specialist to have her hearing checked....but I didn't know I should call out a 5-year old over glue!!!   Well, I am happy to report I checked Riley's pencil box this morning and "Glue-Gate 2012" can be put to rest.....Elmer's was present and accounted for. 

Their teacher has praised their very advanced memorization skills, complimented their fine-motor and says they are a joy to have in class....even if they are still very quiet.  I can totally see a difference in their personalities and their level of independence.  I can only hope that their love of learning environments continues for many, many, MANY years to come.  It would be great if the biggest thing we have to worry about over the next 13-18 years is glue.  Maybe they can help me figure out this school thing.  After all....it's been quite awhile since I've done it myself. 

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