Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Personality PLUS!

Every family has one.  The comedian.  The crack-up kid.  The one that makes you shake your head and roll your eyes (in a good way).  Not to knock Maya & Riley, but in our family our crazy one is Teagan.  She has the cute-ornery factor going big time!  She makes friends with complete strangers in stores, restaurants, libraries.....she would honestly go home with the Wal-Mart greater if I let her.  She is the kid that picks up on everything you say (watch the swearing daddy) and has a style all her own. 

Teagan turns TWO next Monday.  I look at hear and listen to the stories she tells and I wonder how is she just two, she seems so much bigger.  Then I look at her and think of the little bundle that used to sleep in the cradle next to my bed and swear she is only 3 weeks old.  She's got a zest for life, a wild streak and a simple sweetness that just makes you want to hug and kiss her all day long!  She is messier than Maya and Riley were combined and boy is she STUBBORN!!  She will sit on her sisters' heads until they cry and then hug them and say "it's all right".    She never ceases to amaze me with what she remembers or can do.  She will take the world by storm, I am sure. 

So, I am sure she will someday hate me for the torture I am about to put on here....but then again she'll probably think it's awesome. 

To our little TT, may you always have a style that is your own, the confidence to follow your heart and the ability to crack people up!!

She pretty much starts every day this happy!! 

And we like to "dress" for meals around our house.

And when we don't dress for meals, well then someone has to find their own means of entertaining themselves (yogurt....yum!!!).  I am sure she's actually singing here.

The Crack-Up Kid!!!!  Only my kid comes to "work" with mommy in the office wearing a Santa hat, pink snowflake mittens & sunglasses in June. 

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