Monday, June 4, 2012

Back to School

Nearly everyone I know is now doing the dance of joy for the glorious summer break is now here!  Students (and parents) relieved that homework can be forgotten for a few months.  Teachers glad that lesson plans and grading papers can be shelved til late August.  Schools closed up.  Buses parked in garages.  The next school year is but a distant thought in every one's minds.

Well, not at the Spencer house!  Maya and Riley are SO excited to finally be starting school in the fall.  I am blessed that I have children that have a thirst for knowledge, they just drink up everything they can.  I am fortunate that they view learning as fun and use pretty much every opportunity they can to try and learn something new.  In just 3 short months, Maya and Riley will be full-fledged pre-kindergartners and then there will be no stopping them.  A lot of people ask me if I'll be sad to see them go.  I hope that I am half as excited as they are.  I am ready for them to continue to explore the world around them and to take the opportunities to learn from other adults and their peers.

We use the time we have for fun and games, but luckily they can turn pretty much anything into fun and games.  So while not putting pressure on them to pick stuff up, we are using these last few months of summer to continue to learn and grow. 

Here are some fun things we've been working on lately:

EVERY CHANCE they get, they read!  Even if it means stopping right inside the front door!  Thanks Anna for all of the great, new books!

Riley practicing tracing/writing her letters.  She LOVES this and is very good (still working on a better way to hold the Crayon!)

The girls have known & used their alphabet for years.  They love flash cards and like putting cards in order forwards and backwards. It is not uncommon to have cards strung end-to-end across the whole living room floor.

Their newest fascination is with days of the week and months of the year.  Channeling my inner teacher, I made a weekly calendar.  The girls put up the days of the week and then each day add what the weather is outside and if we have any special events (a holiday, a birthday, etc).  Today was Monday, June 4 and it was partly sunny.  They are SO pumped about this!

So I know that in not too many years my girls will also be doing the dance of joy that school is out for summer.  They'll be doing the chant "no more homework, no more books.."  But I know they'll keep drinking in what's around them.  Practicing what they've learned and working on new adventures.  I am excited to learn and grow right along with them. 

Thank you to the countless teachers, educators and administrators I know.  You deserve the next few months of freedom!!   Enjoy summer break!

1 comment:

  1. Em, this is so great!! Trust me, they will not venture away from that love of learning. We had such a similar household when Anna was their age (as I'm sure you remember) and Anna loves school...yes, even getting ready to enter 4th grade this fall. She loves it! Last summer, after 2 weeks of break she asked, "when does school start?" It is truly a blessing to have kids that love to learn and I can't wait to see where all of our girls end up someday with their thirst for knowledge. I, too, was never "sad" about her starting school...I was excited because she was and I love watching each and every stage of growth (physical or intellectually). Enjoy every moment of being home with them and getting to lay that strong foundation that they will build on for years to come. You're an awesome mommy!
