But there is someone missing from the list, and he's been missing from our lives for many years. My Grandpa Stan was a truly virtuous, loving, helpful, soulful man that I cherished growing up. Perhaps it was because we lived with my grandparents for the first year of my life, or the fact that I was the first grandchild, but there was always a special bond between Grandpa and I. I remember running into the fields on hot summer days to bring him cold lemonade has he worked the crops. There were sleepovers at Grandpa & Grandma's house where you'd hear his booming voice yell in and tell us to go to sleep because it was too late. He was the guy I called to pull me out of the ditch when I made my first drive home from church in our standard car and failed to accurately judge the distance at the end of our driveway. He's the rock I cried to when I was so scared to leave college. There were countless fishing trips and hundreds (if not thousands) of fish we caught. There was laughter. There were so many great memories. He was taken from us too soon, over 11 years ago. It seems too crazy to think that he's been gone that long. I still vividly remember the last time I saw him and spoke to him. I remember as I was leaving a football party at his house and sat on his lap to give him a kiss goodbye and he said "Be careful". And I said "I always am. Love you".
Only a handful of times over the last decade plus have I dreamt of Grandpa Stan. Not always is it a crystal-clear dream where I can actually see him or talk to him, it's always been more of a "feeling" that the person in the dream is him. I am sharing a dream I had a few months ago. It was clear and real and I think full of meaning and comfort. To set the back-story, Bill and I had been invited last minute by some friends to go to the Kentucky Derby. (Not that we are big race enthusiasts, but here lies the setting for the dream).
I dreamt that I went to the Kentucky Derby with 5 girlfriends. We had 5 seats up in the "bleacher" section and 1 seat down in the premium level seating. I was the one down in the good seats. I was asking a Derby worker if someone from up in the bleacher section wanted to trade seats and move down so I could sit with all of my friends. She was saying that it wasn't possible and that these seats were better and didn't I want to stay here and have a better view? Well, there was a guy in front of me in a navy sport coat and a hat (like an old fashion hat with a feather?!?!?!). The guy turns around so I could only see his profile and winks at me. It was Grandpa Stan. Totally, no question that it was him. He stood up and gave me a hug and said "these ARE the good seats" and we sat and talked for ages. Well, very quickly the dream turned to where we were all pulling into the A-Frame house where my grandparents lived (actually my Dad & Vicky live there now, but in the dream Grandma Fran was still living there) and apparently the whole family had traveled to the Derby together and were meeting back at her place to pick up cars. All of the kids (12 girls have been born into our family in the 11 years since he passed away) were playing in the front yard and as I was walking up the steps and the front walk to the porch, I turned to look and there was Stan standing in the yard up near the corner where the 2 roads meet just watching the kids play. He just lifted his hand and waived at me. I went running onto the porch and waved through the window to where my sister Carolann was sitting at the kitchen table with some others and I was motioning for her to come outside. By the time she came outside he was gone. I told her about what I had seen at the Derby and just then in the yard and she told me I must have been dreaming. We both went inside and picked up the newspaper that was laying there because the front page had an article about the Derby. On the front cover was a picture of me talking to the Derby worker.....and behind us in the background was Stan.
So not once, but 3 times in my dream he was there. I knew at the time I was dreaming but I just kept hoping I wouldn't wake up and the dream just kept going. I was in tears when I told Bill about it the next morning....and I am getting a little choked up now. It was so real, I could feel him hugging me and that ornery wink was so classic Stan. Bill said it was just his way of letting me know he's there, he's fine, he's enjoying the view from the good seats and that's he's watching over all the kids.
This past year with the help of my Uncle John and Aunt Melissa we conspired to make a memory DVD of Grandpa as a surprise gift for the family for Christmas. Together we viewed over 20 hours of old family movies Grandpa had taped, countless photos and selected the perfect songs. My talented brother-in-law combined all of the raw footage, photos and music and produced the most amazing hour-long "highlights" DVD. As a family, we sat together on New Years Day and watched the movie. We laughed and cried and remembered all of the wonderful treasures and gifts that Grandpa gave to each one of us. I love that I can pop in the DVD anytime I want and see his face and hear his voice. It's no substitute for the real thing, but between that and our memories and dreams, I fondly remember the many wonderful times we had together and try not to be (too) sad about the years we've missed together. Just like I hope the dream represents, he's always around watching and enjoying the view.
While doing our DVD project last year I found this picture of Grandpa from one of our fishing trips to Rock Lake, Canada in July 1994. I'd like to think that this year on Father's Day he's just like this picture. Catching a quick cat-nap at the edge of a peaceful lake after a successful morning of fishing. Happy Father's Day Grandpa.