Thursday, January 24, 2013

This too shall pass

I think we've possibly all experienced something in our lives that has just made us want to give up.  Throw in the towel.  Forget it.  Maybe it's financial or work stress.  Relationship struggles.  Friendship drama.  The loss of something/someone great.  And a well meaning family member or friend will walk up to you, give you a hug or pat on the back and say "this too shall pass".
It's kind of like that with raising kids.  Thankfully I had wonderful pregnancies both times, but others aren't so lucky.  Those that fought with morning sickness or heartburn or worse were reminded that in just a few short months they would be holding their little one and it would all be worth it.  And then the day came and you weren't sure you'd last delivery, but the nurses said....just a few more minutes and you'll get to meet your little baby girl (or boy).  Be it middle of the night feedings, the terrible two's, potty training, sickness that runs rampant (and a whole host of other things I have yet to experience with my girls) we fight, kick and claw to survive and not to pull our hair out in giant handfuls.  And we are reminded by others (and ourselves) that this too shall pass.
Because here is the thing about kids.  They grow up. 
BUT, here's the thing....
Kids.  Grow.  Up.
Think about it.  For every trial, obstacle and hair-pulling day....there are exponentially more days that make you laugh, and give you joy and make you beam with pride. 
They aren't going to be this age forever... 
Maya & Riley, 9/12/08, 8 days old

They aren't going to do this very long...

Teagan and Daddy, 12/9/10, 6 months old

So, yes, this ALL will pass.  It already has.  In the blink of an eye it seems.   And it makes me sad.  And it makes me happy.  And it makes me want to slow down time and make every crazy, hair-pulling day last.  Because one day the house will be way too quiet.  And I'll long for the days when we survived by the skin of our teeth.    

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Em. I feel like you just wrote what was on my heart. Tears flowing here! You're so right!
