Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Making a come back

Well, considering I haven't had the time (or taken the time) to blog in about 5 weeks, this is my great come back!  December was a whirlwind for our family. Following Thanksgiving the time seemed to spiral out of control with baking, decorating, shopping, wrapping, Christmas programs at school, holiday plans, Bill's birthday and then Christmas and New Years themselves. We (thankfully) had more ups than downs and hopefully in between the hustle-bustle and chaos, we managed to make some good memories for our family.

I'd like to say I had made a resolution to blog more this year or to catch up on the scrapbooks I have fallen desperately behind on, but as resolutions go, most are long forgotten or already blown by the time the last of the holiday leftovers are purged from the frig and the last of the Christmas decorations are back in storage.  I am not much of a resolution person.  Sure, I have goals and I strive to reach those goals, but I don't have to sit down and make a grand promise to myself at the beginning of each new year.  Most of us want to spend a little less, save a little more....or eat a little less and work out a little more....or work a little less and travel a little more.  Whatever the case may be, I don't think we necessarily have to made grand gestures on the eve of every new year.  If you are such a person, GOOD FOR YOU!  I can only hope that whenever we chose to set a goal for ourselves, or make a resolution, it's important enough to us that we see it through, to the best of our ability, every day!

So for the foreseeable future my goal is to be the best "me" I can be.  To have fun with my kids every day.  To take more QUALITY time with my husband.  To turn over to God what I cannot understand, control or handle myself.  To let the small stuff slide.  To take a break to write, or scrapbook, read or workout "just because".  And I know there are days I will fail miserably at one or more of those goals.  But that's the beauty of making a come back.

Each day is a new opportunity. And if we missed out or messed up, what a great way to start all over. Every morning is a chance to make a come back. So if the promises you made to yourself or the resolutions already broken, don't wait another year to make new goals. Make a new goal every day. Even if it's the same goal as yesterday or the day before....make a come back. Make it important enough to work on. Every. Single. Day.    

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