Friday, August 17, 2012

Confessions of a Bad Blogger

Hello, my name is Emily and I am bad blogger busy mom.  With 4 kids, 3 houses, 1 needy husband, a full-time SAHM job and 2 part time's no wonder I only seem to have time to blog every 5 weeks or so.  Let's just say I'll probably never make a living at it, no matter how much I enjoy every minute of it.  I am a great list maker, practically can't go a day without checking something off my to-do list.  Maybe I just need to literally add blogging to the list, and then it'll get done. 

I wake early every morning and mentally go through my daily check list, usually while in the shower because it's literally the only free 10 minutes I have to myself every day.  There are days like today when I am totally "on" (in spite of skipping my 5 am work out) and before 8am I had 2 loads of laundry going, 5 of the beds stripped and 2 remade, kids fed (although still in their jammies).  So today I have to go to the post office and pharmacy (2 of the girls favorite places since they get stickers at one and suckers at the other) so at least they are happy to come along.  Then it's more laundry, remake the remaining beds, lunch, naptime which means I can concentrate on online bank transfers and bill payments, emails to the corporate office for Bill, some filing, that 5 am workout that I missed needs to be rescheduled.  The girls want to bake cookies and there is dinner to plan.  Somewhere in there I should spend time with my kids.  I started some craft projects towards our church's annual fall festival and I am really excited about them so I'd like to spend a little time working on those today.  So, blogging can wait.  Bad Blogger!!!!  (And not to mention the fact that I am almost a year and a half behind on scrapbooking.......BAD SCRAPPER!!!!!!!). 

No, just a busy mom. 

I love having blogging to turn to when I need to clear my head, air my thoughts or brag about my kids.  I love having other bloggers to read and see their perspective.  It's funny (coincidental maybe) that often times I blog in my head a really great thought I have while going about my day (and of course never have 10 minutes to sit down and type it out), and on more than on occasion an old high-school friend Jessica who writes an amazing blog will post something that I have totally been thinking.  It's like she can read my thoughts.  She's also a busy SAHM and sounds like our days could easily be traded.  Her recent posts about raising kids and scrapbooking have really hit home with me.

So I vow to be a better blogger.  For myself.  For my sanity.  For my husband who encourages me and for my kids who will someday be busy women themselves and perhaps find a little humor and maybe a little help in knowing what it's like to do it all enough to get by. 

My to-do list might not all get done today.  Probably those "luxury" items like crafting, scrapping or maybe a few chapters in a book I just started.  But, at least blogging is getting crossed of my list today.  Better blogger. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey Em! Thanks for the shout out :) I agree that blogging helps clear my head. It is nice to have a place to go and process all those thoughts that are racing around my head when I am trying to go to sleep. Keep on blogging! You have a lot to share with others
