Friday, May 4, 2012

Clean Slate

It's raining, it's pouring.  It's just like summer out there.  3 days of heat and humidity followed by a late afternoon thunderstorm. Enough to make it more humid for a while before the cool down.  This week has been the most summer-like since March (which is crazy right there).  The girls have LOVED being outside so much.  Running in the yard, fishing, boating, blowing bubbles and playing sidewalk chalk. Those girls love sidewalk chalk.  I think last summer I went through 4 boxes, and Teagan really wasn't playing with it that much. 

So each day is much the same.  We make ABC's and a hopscotch board.  We write every one's names.  Draw rainbows, flowers, shapes.  Our driveway is a master piece and Teagan looks like she's been licking the chalk cube to a pool stick. and Riley appears to have 80's bright blue eye shadow.  Several days this week we've woken up to rain showers.  The driveway is washed clean.  "OH NO" Teagan says.  That's OK I promise, we'll just have to do it again later.  So the sun comes out and dries up all the rain and the driveway is ready for sidewalk chalk again.  It's a clean slate.  Bare and ready for the next great masterpiece.  Another day of fun.

The rain washing away the chalk much like we are given each day as a clean slate.  We can wipe away the pressures, stress, disappointment and hurt of the day before.  We are given each day as a miracle of what can be.  The promise that life is renewed and refreshed and we are the creators of our own destiny.

I am reminded often that God walks among us.  He gives us what we need and lets us know there is hope out there, right around the corner.  Even during the darkest time, He gives us rain to wash it all away.  He gives us the sunshine as an opportunity for a clean slate.  And the days where there wasn't rain to wash it all away it just gives us the opportunity to build on what we had the day before and make it more beautiful.

So it looks like tomorrow we'll wake again to a clean slate.  Another chance to create a masterpiece.  Another day of fun!

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