Thursday, April 26, 2012

Resume of a SAHM

I realized the other day that it has been nearly five years since I left my job in corporate America.  Nearly five whole years have passed since I gave up the 8-5 grind of my salaried, business-trip taking, 1 hr daily commute each way, male-dominated job.  And I wondered what would happen if I tried to re-enter the work force now.  After five years of being a full-time wife and stay-at-home mom (and part-time assistant in my husband's businesses) what would make me think of rejoining the 40-hr work week?  I am sure I'd be light-years behind in new technologies (all these young kids have the corner on that) and my resume would need a face-lift.  So, I thought I'd give it a shot at revising my resume a bit.

Emily Spencer

Objective:  To re-enter the world of corporate America, and not fall flat on my face doing it

Career History:  CEO and CFO of the Spencer Family
Duties include (in no particular order):
  • Teacher
  • Personal Chef
  • Fashion coordinator
  • Hair stylist
  • General Practitioner and Amateur Surgeon
  • Mediator
  • Events Planner
  • Laundress
  • Chauffeur
  • Personal Shopper
  • Story Teller
  • Puppet Master
  • Spiritual guide
  • Reference Librarian
  • Housekeeper
  • Accountant/Bookkeeper
  • Personal Assistant
  • Game show host
  • Referee
  • Pack Mule
Future duties to include:
  • Life Coach
  • Guidance counselor
  • Banker
  • Mender of broken hearts
References include: 
  • Maya and Riley, ages 3 yrs, 7 months
  • Teagan, age 22 months
  • Aaron, age 20
Benefits request:
  • 40 hour work week
  • 3 weeks paid vacation
  • Health, dental, vision, life, AD & D insurance
  • Matching 401k and Pension plans
  • Salaried position starting at ..............

And then I got to thinking, what job could I possibly get that would put all of my skill sets to use and what could I even being to ask for as a starting base salary?  Maybe I am better suited to stay where I am.  Keep my 365 day/year, 24 hour/day job.  Keep my full benefits package of kisses and hugs, the smell the my girls after they get out of the bath, the squeal in their voices when they blow bubbles, the "I love you Mommy" as they are tucked in at night.  There is always room for upward mobility.  Always room to add more to the job duties. As the girls grow and mature there will be lots more responsibilities, lots more benefits.  And I am pretty sure the title of SAHM will be just fine.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE THIS!!! I'm also sure that when it's all said and done in this world, no SAHM will EVER be heard saying, "Gee, I should've went back to work instead (or sooner)!" There are so many more duties you could add to the above list, and yet no way could we ever list the benefits of this truly blessed and important job. Our "salary", "benefits" and "bonuses" are to be claimed elsewhere...for now, for here, enjoy your job!
