Tuesday, May 14, 2013

"Must do" vs "Want to"

Ok, so this rarely happens!  An afternoon with "nothing" to do.  The girls are napping.  The laundry is done.  The dishwasher is loaded and counters cleaned.  The toys are put away.  Dinner laid out.  Work out done for the day.  Emails are caught up.  The neighbor is mowing the yard.   The house his quiet and....FREE TIME FOR MOMMY!  Two hours.....and GO......

Ok, what to do first? 

I'll print the items for baby shower invitations I am making.  Out of blue ink.  Next....

I'll work on the class project for their teacher next week.  Out of light magenta ink in the photo printer.  Next....

I'll make peanut butter cookies.  Out of Crisco.  Next.....

ARGH....if only I had run to the store this morning instead of coming home to pick up the toy room, do the dishwasher and plan dinner.

OK, so I'll start some scrapbook pages.  But that means getting halfway through with something and having someone wake up early and that will probably be more hassle than it's worth.  Maybe I'll come back to this one.  Next....

I'll work on my blog.  I am stumped.  I'll write SOMETHING....even if it's my list of things that I have time to do but aren't getting done.  But how can I not find SOMETHING to do......

And then I remember there are some things that need filed away in the office.  And an insurance item that needs a phone call and a letter typed and emailed for signature.  And some hand washing that I could tackle.  And the little "must dos" are starting to sneak into my mind and my "want tos" are slipping away. 

Most days the "must do" out weighs the "want to". 

So I'll take one for the team today and keep plugging away on the little things that aren't fun, but necessary.  Tomorrow is "Best Friends Day" round 2 starting with Riley.  This past winter I took a day with each of the girls by themselves and we did shopping, lunch out, errands.  Now that we are nearing the end of the school year, it's time to do another fun day with each of them.  On our list tomorrow will be buying new ink and Crisco (among other things).  She wants to eat lunch at Wendy's and we are going to buy Teagan's birthday gift and several other stops.  We'll be laughing and making memories. 

A "want to" and a "must do" all rolled into one!

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