Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The passing of time

Time is a funny thing.  Even though it may remain constant, how we pass the time or spend our time varies.  It's odd how the same hour can either fly by when you are having fun, or seem to drag on indefinitely in the middle of uncertainty. 

I have absolutely no idea where the last four years have gone.  September 4, 2008 at 7:49 am and 7:49 am (yes, the SAME time), we welcomed Maya & Riley into this world and into our lives.  The past four years have been a crazy whirlwind of joy and, at times, insanity.  The girls have brought so much love into our family. 

So, imagine my surprise when today, at 8:49 am I had to take my little girls to school for the very first time.  Yes, on their 4th birthday they got to go to Pre-K.  How did that happen?  Where did my tiny little babies go.  How did they grow up so fast?


Maya Delaney: 9/4/08
        Maya:  1st day of Pre-K, 9/4/12

Riley Pilar: 9/4/08


Riley: 1st day of Pre-K, 9/4/12
The girls did well.  No tears....from anyone, even Mommy!  (Although when I asked the girls last night what they wanted to be when they grew up and Maya said "Just stay little" and Riley said "Be your little baby, Mommy", it kinda does tug at your heart strings a little.  They may have been a little unsure when we were getting ready, but at the mention it was time to go they were out the door and into the truck.  Backpacks on when we arrived and in they marched.  Hardly a look in our direction once they hung up their backpacks, got their milk and started coloring.  Hey, they had this down pat. 

Once back at home I couldn't help but think back to 2008 when I laid in my hospital room waiting on the girls to be brought into me.  I could not even have imagined at that moment in time just how much they would consume every part of my life.  In a good way, I promise!!!!!  I just couldn't believe how time had flown!  On the flipside, that 2 1/2 hrs I had to wait at home til I could go pick them up seemed to drag on forever.  Just wondering what they were doing, how they were doing....and I couldn't wait to see them and hear all about it.

I am sure the next 14 years will fly by and before I know it I'll be taking them off to college.  (Ahhhh......let's not get ahead of myself).  I am so proud of my big girls and all they are and all they will become!  Here we go.....marching into the future! 

Happy Birthday Maya & Riley

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