So, what have we been doing?! We'll we love to shop together...and she's amazed when she gets the cart all to herself and I let her carry shopping bags through the store and she gets to pick from the Target dollar bins. (yea!) She sticks to me like glue for about the first 20 minutes we are home after dropping Maya & Riley off, but then you almost see the light click and she's like hey, wait a minute......all of MINE.......for the next 2 WHOLE hours.
We've enjoyed taking walks which is good for fresh air & gets Mommy's work out in.
We take a Mommy & Me gymnastics class on Thursday and she's becoming quite the expert on the balance beam.
And the latest in our big girl adventures came just last night/today.....when Teagan decided she didn't need a crib, that climbing out is WAY more fun. In the course of an hour last night, she climbed out of her crib twice. She likes "buddies" in bed with her (at count last week she had 21, so over the weekend about 10 left). But I could tell last night she had used the remaining pile as her escape route. So I took all but four of her favorites and put them on the floor by her bed. At 10 I checked on her and she was still awake and asking for her buddies, but I said they were having a sleep-over on the floor. Not another word. When I went back in at 11, ALL buddies were back in the crib....and so was Teagan. Geez, give me a heart attack! I can't be worrying about her safety, so today I converted the crib to the toddler bed. And a "BIG GIRL" was born.
I am learning so much more about Teagan as a person and what makes her so wonderful and so unique. I always knew she was bright (learning from her big sisters) but I am amazed at what she knows and what she comes up with...and what she tries to get away with!! We have been doing a lot of special, fun things and I am sure this will be the age of some of her earliest memories. I hope our days together are some of those earliest memories.